I see a lot of fear mongering about the increase in funds to the IRS in the Inflation Reduction Act just passed by the Senate. There are claims that the liberals are going to use this as a political tool to go after Republicans. There are claims that this will end with innocent people in jail for believing the wrong things. I've seen claims that poor people and small business will be under attack. Let me help ease your mind.
The IRS has been underfunded for years. To do the massive job of collecting taxes, the service uses technology from the 60s. Funding has been cut dramatically over the years. In 2018, the IRS had fewer than 10,000 employees for the first time since the 50s.
Pop quiz, has the economy and population grown since the 50s or shrunk?
So why has the IRS been getting smaller?!
The US loses an estimated 1 trillion dollars in tax revenues by not having enough employees to make people pay what they actually owe. In fact, audits from the IRS are down significantly.
You know who isn't paying taxes? It's not the middle class or lower. The point of adding more employees is to add tax revenue. They won't do that by going into litigation trying to squeeze an extra couple thousand from Joe the Plumber.
Just because you haven't heard about this doesn't mean the information hasn't been out there. John Oliver did a segment on this seven years ago! I included it below.
Don't let anyone scare you into thinking the IRS is coming for you. It's nonsense. And if you disagree with me, set a reminder on your phone for five years from now and come back. I'll remind you that I told you people on the right were trying to scare you and that you shouldn't fall for it.
Last Week Tonight segment: